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New Zealand Politics

  • USD 0.00

    New Zealand

  • USD 1,010.00

    New demarchy foundation

  • … ) as well as more rational than party politics. On the other hand, such a project has to be a completely new effort, bootstrapped organically from ground up, as even the smallest pre-existing party initiative …
  • USD 30.03

    Presidential Elections Primaries (United States, 2016)

  • …  minute news reports! Still, here you go: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/iowa-caucus-road-white-house-starts-hawkeye-state-n506756 This is getting exiting, Iowa results should be in soon …
  • USD 441.85

    Politische Zufriedenheit in Österreich (2017)

  • …  nehmen und kann nur die empörende Rufmord-Kampagne der Parteien und Medien verurteilen. Klar ist: Die nächsten G!LT-Kandidaten werden von den Polit-Profis in den Parteizentralen ähnlich "abgeschossen …
  • USD 0.00
    Confidential results hidden from view