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Will Russia and Ukraine sign or announce an agreement to end the current conflict in Ukraine by the...

  • … Russia's war in Ukraine continues, though Russia floated the idea of talks on the "post-conflict settlement" of the war in October 2023 (https://www.economist.com/the-world-ahead/2023 …
  • USD 0.00

    How many total "Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day n Part m (Thread #p)" threads will the...

  • … How many total threads containing the title "Live Thread Russian Invasion of Ukraine" will exist before the Russian invasion of Ukraine is declared "over" by the UN? 175 - 200 201 …
  • USD 0.00

    Will the Russian aid convoy to Ukraine enter without Ukrainian government permission?

  • …  in the longest standing battle of all ;-) By now the Russians are quite open, that the convoy entered the Ukraine without permission, claiming a humanitarian emergency: http://www.mid.ru/bdomp/brp_4.nsf/sps …
  • USD 0.00

    What will be the outcome of the Russo-Ukrainian war of 2022?

  • … The question will be judged by the closest realised one of the five scenarios defined in an article from April 2022: "Appraising the war in Ukraine and likely outcomes" as published …
  • USD 40.00

    Wird bis 2025 in einem militärischen Konflikt eine Atomwaffe eingesetzt werden?

  • …  nicht... Guter Punkt, danke. Rückfrage: Wäre ein Atomwaffeneinsatz zB im Ukraine-Krieg für Russland Selbstmord? Die Ukraine besitzt offenbar keine Atomwaffen für einen Gegenschlag. Es macht für die …
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    Which team will win the Euro 2016? Quelle équipe va gagner l'Euro 2016? PREDIKI TEST - INVITATION O...

  • …  Galles (groupe B) SLOVAKIA - Slovaquie (groupe B) GERMANY - Allemagne (groupe C) UKRAINE - Ukraine (groupe C) POLAND - Pologne (groupe C) NORTHERN IRELAND - Irlande du Nord (groupe C) SPAIN - Espagne …
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    Will China Invade Taiwan?If so, When?

  • … -Ukraine conflict to see how things play out. However I think they will initiate some form of intimidation or aggression like they have in the past against Taiwan. I also don't believe it will pay off …
  • USD 0.00

    Which developed country will have the highest level of entrepreneurship in 2025, and why?

  • …  instinct for the win! Mexico will have a larger voice and South American countries will be more visible I agree with Alfie. Especially with the conflict in Ukraine. I also agree with Alfie, With Russia …
  • USD 40.00


  • …  der abschuss der MH17 und die Annexion eines Teil der Ukraine für Russland haben? wirklich keine wie du das verlangst? Europa beutet den mit abstand rohstoffreichsten Kontinent aus. Die Menschen …
  • USD 0.00

    Will Joe Biden be a good President, and why?

  • …  to recent polls. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/ This is lower "Bad" zone but not "Very bad". And the Ukraine war will be on for a while, it seems. Well …
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    Europapolitik und EU?

  • … /article113397615/Britanniens-boeses-Erwachen-bei-der-Einwanderung.html" rel="nofollow">https://www.welt.de/kultur/article113397615/Bri...</a>) 2015: Ukraine / USA …
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    Confidential results hidden from view