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Cruz: What percentage of delegates will nominate Ted Cruz at the 2016 Republican National Conventio...

  • …  that it will participate in the 2016 presidential election. 10-20% is fair for the loyality he has earned Something will trip up Trump, either something he says that will divide the party faithful or something he does …
  • USD 20.08

    Trump: What percentage of delegates will nominate Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Conv...

  • … , but that's something else. Trump, due to his dominating character will take away the elections from the rest of them. In the United States, I think people are more interested in leaders who act out …
  • USD 20.07

    Sanders: What percentage of delegates will nominate Bernie Sanders at the 2016 Democratic National ...

  • …  than men in the world, we must unite to get Hilary in office Well, we certainly don't need Hillary she is a proven lair, cheat if she is elected God help this nation yes, god help us, we …
  • USD 20.02

    Clinton: What percentage of delegates will nominate Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National...

  • …  not invested your credits though ... Bernie will likely win New Hampshire, but once the primaries in the South kick in Hillary's momentum will grow and Bernie will need to present a more diverse set …
  • USD 20.03

    Which democratic candidate will Americans rank highest in economic competence?

  • …  has been Secretary of State and knows more about the process. Don't let old white dudes run this country, women and younger people must vote in this election Hilary is more experienced she has …
  • USD 20.13

    Which democratic candidate will Americans regard as the best leader?

  • … 't anyone waste your vote, Hillary is going to win. She has my vote already. sander Like in 2nd term elections, most people will go for the existing leaders, just by prejudice. My bet is on Hillary …
  • USD 20.11

    Which republican candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

  • … : "The last thing you should say in all of your campaign ads is ‘I am a former governor'. I bet against Jeb. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/jeb-bush-2016-campaign-blame-218049 If you …
  • USD 20.16

    Which republican candidate will Americans regard as the best leader?

  • …  someone? I figure most will go with Trump. TRUMP, RUBIO AND CRUZ I THINK WILL BE ALMOST MANO A MANO IN THIS ELECTION I agree that this make Trump on of the best candidates on leadership I agree Donald …
  • USD 20.12

    Which republican candidate will rank highest in economic competence?

  • …  gambles to much on big projects. I like Ted, he worked in Texas where the economy is being hurt by the gas pricing, but the state is stilling doing well. Donald Trump Trump has a proven track record …
  • USD 20.14

    Which democratic candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

  • … -elected and to get or route benefits out of their entrusted office. There have been many female heads of state worldwide, democratic and monarchic queens. Those in power, ooliticians and royalty …
  • USD 20.15

    How many electoral votes will Donald Trump (R) win in the 2016 US presidential election?

  • … -in-the-2016-US-presidential-election/ranking/incentives/1/ Wow, good job Giles, who would have predicted that, huh  …
  • USD 50.00

    How many electoral votes will Hillary Clinton (D) win in the 2016 US presidential election?

  • …  prediction. Dominique wins by clever trading and cashing in trading profits already before election night. https://www.prediki.com/questions/How-many-electoral-votes-will-Hillary-Clinton-(D)-win-in-the-2016 …
  • USD 50.00

    Crowdsourcing: What percentage level of interest will Prediction Markets reach by 2020 compared to ...

  • …  in the chart, prediction markets have seen a slow but steady uptrend over the forecast years, the pronounced jump in 2020 to the 15-20% range largely due to US election forecasts. Best forecasters were …
  • USD 40.00

    Will Elon Musk be elected as US president and when?

  • … ) If. Elmo cannot become US President because he was not born in the United States. However, there is still a residual risk because, as we all know, you can buy almost anything with money. The 2024 elections …
  • USD 0.00

    Who will win the democratic nomination 2020?

  • … Presidential Elections Primaries (United States, 2020)  …
  • USD 0.00

    Will Donald Trump be president in 2021?

  • … Donald Trump will win the 2020 presidential race and be president in 2021 Yes, Donald Trump will be president in 2021 No, Donald Trump will not be president in 2021 Hi Scott, if this is a serious …
  • USD 0.00

    When will Nikki Haley cease to be a candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination for US president?

  • … ;After Donald J. Trump tallied victories in Texas, California and 12 other states, Nikki Haley was expected to drop out of the presidential race, according to people familiar with her plans. She was set …
  • USD 0.00

    Who will win the 2024 US presidential election?

  • … USA elections results Donald Trump Joe Biden Nikki Haley  …
  • USD 0.00

    Who will become the US President in 2024?

  • … Presidential Elections (United States)  …
  • USD 0.00

    Which candidate will win the 2024 US Presidential election?

  • … The "Other" option will pay off if any of these occur::a candidate besides those listed wins the election; the election is delayed; no candidate wins the election after a reasonable time …
  • USD 0.00
    Confidential results hidden from view