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Clinton: What percentage of delegates will nominate Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National...

  • …  thing nothing but a sham! The Clinton crime family bought the democratic nomination a long time ago and the media had made her the anointed one even before the primary season started. As long as they don …
  • USD 20.03

    Sanders: What percentage of delegates will nominate Bernie Sanders at the 2016 Democratic National ...

  • …  for a women in office yet It's sad that people are swayed by a title, Socialist, rather than pay attention to what he's saying. He's a Democratic Socialist. Know what the definition …
  • USD 20.02

    Which democratic candidate will Americans regard as the best leader?

  • …  will beat out Bernie with Democratic voters in the end. Yes, you are so right. Hillary has a proven track record in leadership. Indeed all the way, It is time for a woman president. I agree. She is smart …
  • USD 20.11

    Which democratic candidate will Americans rank highest in economic competence?

  • …  it comes to her speeches. Hilary Clinton Hillary Clinton Hillary all the way, Look at all the good she does. Democrats save us money Hillary again, who else has more experience? no one else. Who else …
  • USD 20.13

    Which democratic candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

  • …  knows the other guy bernie i think he be a great ok I think Hillary Clinton is the most trustworthy Democratic candidate. i think sander and do the job You may want to do your trades then, according …
  • USD 20.15

    Who will win the democratic nomination 2020?

  • … According to final published Democratic Party decision. Bernie Sanders Elizabeth Warren Joe Biden Other candidate  …
  • USD 0.00

    Industry health: Will the market research industry grow or shrink from 2016 to 2020, and why?

  • …  will overcompensate this decrease. Democratization of Research will imply new players on the stage as well as new users Overall I think the industry will grow in particular with emerging markets where the growth …
  • USD 40.00

    Crowdsourcing: What percentage level of interest will Prediction Markets reach by 2020 compared to ...

  • …  Markets vs. Market Research rose from 3% in 2010 to 6% in 2016. The spikes in search traffic up to 12% in 2016 are mostly due to popular interest in reiiable predicitons for the presidential elections …
  • USD 40.00

    Cruz: What percentage of delegates will nominate Ted Cruz at the 2016 Republican National Conventio...

  • …  that it will participate in the 2016 presidential election. 10-20% is fair for the loyality he has earned Something will trip up Trump, either something he says that will divide the party faithful or something he does …
  • USD 20.08

    How many electoral votes will Hillary Clinton (D) win in the 2016 US presidential election?

  • …  prediction. Dominique wins by clever trading and cashing in trading profits already before election night. https://www.prediki.com/questions/How-many-electoral-votes-will-Hillary-Clinton-(D)-win-in-the-2016 …
  • USD 50.00

    Which republican candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

  • … : "The last thing you should say in all of your campaign ads is ‘I am a former governor'. I bet against Jeb. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/jeb-bush-2016-campaign-blame-218049 If you …
  • USD 20.16

    How many electoral votes will Donald Trump (R) win in the 2016 US presidential election?

  • … -in-the-2016-US-presidential-election/ranking/incentives/1/ Wow, good job Giles, who would have predicted that, huh  …
  • USD 50.00

    Which republican candidate will rank highest in economic competence?

  • …  and has probably learned from them. 10000 for Trump who knows finances and the economy better than any candidate, Democrat, Republican or Independent. 1000 for Jeb Bush The Donald isn't rich …
  • USD 20.14

    Trump: What percentage of delegates will nominate Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Conv...

  • … Republican presidential primaries, 2016 Presidential Elections Primaries (United States, 2016)  …
  • USD 20.07

    Which republican candidate will Americans regard as the best leader?

  • …  The result of Globaltestmarket's survey regarding the leadership of republican presidential candidates are as follows:  …
  • USD 20.12

    Quale candidato vincerà le elezioni primarie del Partito Democratico il prossimo 8 dicembre 2013?

  • …  saranno valutati al 100% e quelli di un altro candidato allo 0%. Giuseppe Civati Gianni Cuperlo Gianni Pittella Matteo Renzi Il link della fonte: http://www.unita.it/italia/speciale-primarie-pd-2013 …
  • USD 100.00

    How many members will New Demarchy have in the end of 2016?

  • … This question will be judged by the total number of members of any and all organisations world-wide on 31 December 2016 which are founded to further New Demarchy in the spirit of "The New …
  • USD 10.00

    Who do you believe will be chosen as the next Mayor of London by the election in May 2016?

  • … The election will be held on 5th May 2016 and the result announced within hours. Zac Goldsmith (Conservative) Sadiq Khan (Labour) Siân Berry (Green) Caroline Pidgeon (Liberal Democrat) Peter Whittle …
  • USD 0.00

    Will New Demarchy produce better policy impact forecasts than professional politicians already in 2...

  • …  will become available during 2016. We will divide the mean absolute errors (MAE) of the collective forecast of members on the prediction market by the MAE's of the responsible politicians. A constant …
  • USD 10.01

    When will Nikki Haley cease to be a candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination for US president?

  • … ;After Donald J. Trump tallied victories in Texas, California and 12 other states, Nikki Haley was expected to drop out of the presidential race, according to people familiar with her plans. She was set …
  • USD 0.00
    Confidential results hidden from view