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    When will American citizens be able to travel as a tourist to all the EU countries again?

  • …  allowed in for tourism, excluding countries such as the United States. The question is when will the United States be allowed in under a tourist visa. Currently, the US has been skyrocketing in cases again …
  • USD 0.00

    Case studies

  • …  How To Attract Long-Haul Tourists Vienna, 01 September 2016 Case study - Advert pretest (Tourism) Read more... Predicting the Global Market Research Report of 2020 Vienna, 19 August 2016 Case …
  • How To Attract Long Haul Tourists

  • …  participating in the prediction market. Tourism marketers should not rely on travel agents as much as in the past. For the younger generation, Switzerland is getting old and stale, just like the old Bollywood …
  • Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by the combined approval rating of FiveThirtyEight at the end of his first presidency term, expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this. Here is to the source: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average". Note: The Gallup source originally defined for this question's judgement could be biased and will not be used: http://www.gallup.com/poll/116677/Presidential-Approval-Ratings-Gallup-Historical-Statistics-Trends.aspx
  • USD 100.00
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