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What will the exchange rate of US$ per Bitcoin be at the end of 2013?

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Wiki article



The exchange rate of Bitcoin has reached record highs during March and April 2013. Despite a sharp decline from a short-lived high well above the 200 US$ mark in mid-April, the cryptocurrency has since recovered to a level of 140 US$. This still is tenfold the investment for investors who bought in the beginning of 2013.


Recent legislation in the US [citation needed] seems to have increased investor confidence in the new currency and has sparked a buying spree. The debate on the actual fundamental value of the currency is undecided, and has become highly visible through its exceptional volatility.

Technical value of Bitcoin

[Elaborate on Demand vs Supply here.]

Fundamental value of Bitcoin

Elaborate on mining cost here. Why should long-term value divert from production cost, really? See housing bubble.

Exchange rate chart

Bitcoin exchange rate chart Source: Bitcoin Charts

  1. Wikipedia article: Bitcoin
  2. The Bitcoin wiki
  3. Exchanges: Exchange rates at Bitcoin markets