What percent of users will be smartphone addicts by 2020?

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§ Judgement rule

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This question will be judged by the percent of worldwide smartphone users in 2020 who check their phone more than 50 times a day, as reported by a leading consumer trends report.
Reference date: Dec. 31, 2020, 24:00 CET

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 Less than 15%
12.49 %
 15 - 18%
0.95 %
 18 - 19%
0.00 %
 19 - 20%
1.07 %
 20 - 21%
0.31 %
 21 - 22%
2.34 %
 22 - 25%
37.06 %
 More than 25%
45.75 %

Price trend

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Smartphones have become an integral part of daily lives worldwide, from making payments to watching online content and browsing social media. Usership has increased dramatically over the past decade with penetration now averaging above 80% in both developed and developing countries alike.

Smartphone Addiction

Smartphone Addiction - Copyright: Prediki With all the benefits of smartphones there are also growing concerns regarding how much and often they are being used. Studies have suggested that overusing smartphones can have a influence the chemical balance of the brain and cause mental health issues, with some heavy users showing problematic behaviors similar to substance addictions.

While addiction may be a strong word, many users check their smartphones with an almost round-the-clock regularity. A recent study showed that 20% of smartphone users globally now check their phones more than 50 times a day. 

What percent of the worlds smartphone users will be checking their phones more than 50 times a day by 2020?

Users who access their smartphone 50+ times daily by country (2017)

Percentage who access 50+ times in a day - Copyright: Prediki





Global mobile consumer trends, 2nd edition - Deloitte

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