How many members will New Demarchy have in the end of 2016?
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Wiki article
There are several pre-existing political concepts proposed under the name demarchy (gr. "citicens rule"). Notable proponents include Austrian economist Friedrich A. Hayek and Australian philosopher John Burnheim. Their proposed systems have not been realised, mostly due to issues with practicalities.
New Demarchy
New Demarchy is an independently developed system which improves on its predecessors on several fronts. It can work within the existing democratic system, hence does not need a change in constitution. Further, it envisages much broader participation, both in decision making as well as in the best possible preparation of decisions, faster appointment processes, better use of distributed knowledge, more expertise for complex issues, and continuous evidence-based decision tracking.
Your prediction task
Will these improvements render the likelihood of a realisation of New Demarchy sufficiently high to motivate the foundation of a dedicated organisation with a relevant number of members?