Jobs: How many people will the market research industry employ in 2020, and why?

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§ Judgement rule

How will the final result of the question be determined?

This prediction question shall be judged by the total number of employees working in the market research industry according to the GMR 2020. As the GMR reports only the employees for the 25 largest market research firms, that number is grossed up pro rata to their share of turnover to get an industry-wide number for judgement..
Reference date: Dec. 31, 2019, 24:00 CET

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  2. Read the background information carefully, before proceeding.

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Background information

Job Security ESOMAR's GMR does not give a global industry employee number, per se.

A proxy

However, it reports that the 25 largest market research companies employed 135,700 people at the end of 2015. We gross up this number with their share of turnover, which gives us an estimated number of 267,700 employees worldwide.

Productivity declined

In recent years, the number of employees has risen stronger than turnover of the Top 25. This fall in productivity gives food for thought regarding the overall trend of adoption of improved technology, the increasing potential for automation, and price pressures from commoditisation.

Global employment in market research (GMR 2016)

Market Research Employees World-Wide - Copyright: Prediki / ESOMAR Data

  2012 2013 2014 2015 2020
Top 25 Turnover
(US$ Bil)
$18.8 $21.5 $22.5 $22.5  
Top 25 Employees (K) 110.9 122.3 135.6 135.6  
Turnover per Employee (US$ K) $169.9 $175.8 $165.9 $165.7  
Global Turnover
(US$ Bil)
$39.1 $40.3 $43.9 $44.4  
Global Employees
(calc. K)
229.9 229.2 264.3 267.7 ???
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Publication is overdue 2020/09/30 24:00 CEST