How pervasive will Decision Intelligence be in large corporations in 2023?

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§ Judgement rule

How will the final result of the question be determined?

This prediction question shall be judged by the percentage of large corporations having analysts practicing decision intelligence, including decision modeling, as reported by Gartner.
Reference date: Dec. 31, 2023, 24:00 EST

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{{ answer.share_price|number:2 }} %

Price trend

  1. Study the background information carefully.
  2. Read the background information carefully, before proceeding.

Wiki article


Decision Intelligence - Copyright: Ashley Mangtani on MediumWhat Is Decision Intelligence?

Decision intelligence is a framework that supports data and analytics architects model, align, develop, implement and track decision-making models and processes. Decision intelligence is thought to have a huge impact on business results and performance. (Mangtani A. 2021)

Prediction to verify

According to Gartner analyst Pieter den Hamer, more than 33% of large organizations will have analysts practicing decision intelligence, including decision modeling, by 2023. Predict: Will that be so?

Stated rationale

They write: "Decision intelligence is a practical discipline designed to improve organizational decision making. It involves explicitly understanding and engineering how organizations make decisions and how they evaluate, manage and improve outcomes through feedback. Decision intelligence can support and augment human decision making and, potentially, automate it through the use of augmented analytics, simulations and AI."

Possible applications include:

  • Operational decisions (automate repeatable customer interactions)
  • Managerial decisions (production planning or recruitment)
  • Strategic decisions (e.g. mergers and acquisitions)

Gartner recommendations

  • Business-critical decision making should be more data-driven or AI supported.
  • Decision making should incorporate both human (collective intelligence) and machine (artificial intelligence) capabilities.

Prediki recommendation

  • Use our prediction market platform to automate decision feedback loops with measured actual results.


  1. Mangtani, Ashley (2021): "Everything You Need To Know About Decision Intelligence" (Medium)
  2. Wikipedia: "Decision intelligence"
  3. Hamer, Pieter den (2021): Gartner report on "Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022"
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Hubertus Hofkirchner
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Publication is overdue 2024/01/31 24:00 EST