What will be the hashrate of bitcoin at the end of 2021?

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§ Judgement rule

How will the final result of the question be determined?

The question will be judged with the 30-day average mining hashrate of bitcoin in million TH/s on 31st December 2021 as shown on Blockchain.com. https://www.blockchain.com/charts/hash-rate
Reference date: Dec. 31, 2021, 24:00 CET

Answer options

Widget Price
 125m TH/s or less
2.76 %
 125m to 150m TH/s
35.96 %
 150m to 175m TH/s
43.09 %
 175m to 200m TH/s
9.92 %
 200m to 250m TH/s
7.23 %
 More than 250m TH/s
1.02 %

Price trend

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  2. Read the background information carefully, before proceeding.

Wiki article



Mining racks in warehouse - Copyright: Hubertus HofkirchnerThe hashrate of bitcoin was 135.95m TH/s at year end 2020. The security and attack resistance of the blockchain has risen continuously since bitcoin's launch. Arguably, the initially logarithmic growth of the hashrate has become about linear in the last two years but it still rose 43% during 2020 on the back of a significant rise in the value of bitcoin.


A significant hashrate drop is a sign of weakened security, because malicious miners could mess up the blockchain. Such a drop could be caused by outlawing mining in certain countries, etc.  An increase, on the other hand, is either a sign of confirmation for its overall security or a sign of further technical innovation.

Update: China's government is banning bitcoin mining and shutting down the local farms (Globaltimes).


Bitcoin 30-day Average Hashrate 3Y Chart 07Jan2021 - Copyright: Hubertus HofkirchnerBlockchain.com shows daily bitcoin hashrates with chart parameters for the 30-day average.

31 Dcember 2020: 136m TH/s

31 December 2019: 95m TH/s



Hashrate drop over June 2021 after Chinese mining ban:

Bitcoin Hashrate as of 03 July 2021 - Copyright: Blockchain.com

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Hubertus Hofkirchner
Helene Meier
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