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Will there be a Bitcoin value crash before the end of 2024?

  • … The bitcoin has been surging by more than 50% in the past year, with a spike standing at an all-time high at the time I'm writing this question No, Bitcoin will not crash by more than 50% before …
  • USD 0.00

    Will Bitcoin reach a new all time high in 2024?

  • … The question will be judged by the "All Time High" of USD/Bitcoin price as per Coinbase at year end 2024. https://www.coinbase.com/price/bitcoin No. ATH still $68,789.63 Some. ATH<= $80k …
  • USD 0.00

    How much investment will flow into Bitcoin ETFs in their first 90 days?

  • … The question shall be judged by the reported inflow of funds into the first Bitcoin ETF launched, plus any other such ETF launched within that period. If no such fund is launched by the end of Q3 …
  • USD 0.00

    Will the first spot Bitcoin ETF arrive in 2024?

  • … Crypto Market Predictions 2024  …
  • USD 0.00

    Who will win the SEC's lawsuit against Ripple Labs?

  • … . This comment section is for convincing other traders with good reasons why. Might it settlements for it win-win situation for both side Most crypto brokers are already delisted from XRP currency. The SEC …
  • USD 20.00

    Welches ist die disruptivste emergente Technologie 2022, und warum?

  • …  Unternehmen die im Bereich Crypto als FinTechs gelistet sind, sind Shitcoin pump n dump schemes Microstrategy, Bitcoin-Miner… Weil Bitcoin das einzige ist. Und Fintech=BTC Supply Chain ist unterbewertet …
  • USD 0.00
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