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Will president of South Africa Jacob Zuma serve out his full presidential term?

  • … -elected when the country withheld any votes again, in the future.... be Wise, Man ...GBU.. Resigning is his best chance to keep his ill-gotten gains Yes, you will. yes Walk out will be the best chance …
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    When will the UK declare the Brexit?

  • … The question shall be judged by the date on which an authorised representative of the United Kingdom formally notifies the European Council of the UK’s intention to withdraw from the EU in accordance …
  • USD 20.00

    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • …  aggressive measures to slow the spread of the virus. He could have insisted that the United States ramp up efforts to produce test kits. He could have emphasized the risks that the virus presented and urged …
  • USD 100.00

    Will Ohio Issue 1 pass on 7 November 2023?

  • … We will use major media. If the election does not occur on the listed date or there is no winner known by the end of the semester than "Other" will payoff. Yes No Other increasingly …
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    Will New Demarchy produce better policy impact forecasts than professional politicians already in 2...

  • …  will become available during 2016. We will divide the mean absolute errors (MAE) of the collective forecast of members on the prediction market by the MAE's of the responsible politicians. A constant …
  • USD 10.01

    When will New Demarchy complete its first successful pilot project?

  • …  be shown beyond reasonable doubt that ND's recommendation was a key factor influencing the political body's decision. 2019 2020, later, or never 2018 2017 2016 good The newDemocracy Foundation …
  • USD 10.02

    Ohio Senate?

  • …  (R)   https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/house/new-york/21/ Money Raised this Election Cycle: Stefanik (R): $7,327,076.16 Castelli (D): $1,114,515.86   https …
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    When will U.S. house prices peak before the next crisis?

  • … . As of 17 July 2018 the index was 223 points. H2 2018 H1 2019 H2 2019 2020 2021 or later very good i just have to with the consensus on this one The international policies adopted by the United States …
  • USD 60.00

    What relationship will the UK and the EU agree after the Brexit?

  • … 以为继,终究符合世界发展大趋势。 4 估计走挪威的模式可能性大 test The possibility of extending negotiations between UK and EU is increasing. An article published on December 29th, 2017 in a United Kingdom newspaper states …
  • USD 50.00

    Will the Russian aid convoy to Ukraine enter without Ukrainian government permission?

  • …  and and a Ukranian presidential aide cited exclusively humanitarian intentions whereas U.S., French and Australian government speakers expressed concern that the deliveries might be a covert operation to help anti …
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  • …  notwendige sinnvolle Reformen nicht zu Stande. Eine davon wäre die Novellierung des GUKG gewesen eine andere die Gesetzgebung der Primary Healthcare Center) Das GUKG hätte das Gesundheitsystem entlasten …
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    Confidential results hidden from view