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Will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin in 2017 at least on one day, and by how much?

  • …  better predictions than me: https://cointelegraph.com/news/vitalik-buterin-bitcoin-more-likely-than-ethereum-to-split-in-2017 Great lessons: I learned how Prediction Markets hold a lot of noise and lag …
  • USD 50.00

    "The Bout" - Dan O'Dowd against Elon Musk: Will a self-driving Tesla run down a child?

  • …  did not take it serious, he just tweeted a "bat shit crazy": https://www.cbsnews.com/news/super-bowl-ad-2023-the-dawn-project-tesla-dan-odowd/ So, it seems "The Bout" won't …
  • USD 0.00

    Will current inflation be only transitory? What will US CPI be for 2022?

  • …  of the prediction question, i.e. English. Ebbs and flows are part of it. Things will return to normal sooner than expected I mean, this data is conservative Gut instinct and based on New Zealand's inflation …
  • USD 20.00

    Il 4 dicembre 2016 ci sarà il Referendum Costituzionale. Quale percentuale di elettori voterà “Sì”?

  • … % Più di 65% Sicuramente avrete già dato un'occhiata: http://www.ilsussidiario.net/News/Politica/2016/11/6/Sondaggi-Referendum-2016-Elettorali-e-Politici-intenzioni-di-voto-ballottaggi-M5s-riduce …
  • USD 38.00

    Will the majority of Australians vote in favor of same-sex marriage in the upcoming ballot?

  • …  Because they copy everything New Zealander’s do. They are the sheep and we are the shepard No not yes this time ns I don’t think they are open minded enough yet most western countries are passing …
  • USD 0.00

    When will the UK declare the Brexit?

  • …  doable. The EU's actions push for a earlier notification - no substantive work can be done until we notify so earlier is better. Mid 2016 Honestly not. Because just as the experience of political …
  • USD 20.00

    Clinton: What percentage of delegates will nominate Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National...

  • …  not invested your credits though ... Bernie will likely win New Hampshire, but once the primaries in the South kick in Hillary's momentum will grow and Bernie will need to present a more diverse set …
  • USD 20.03

    Which democratic candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

  • …  thrown up roadblock after roadblock. I want someone to stop being politically correct and kick some butt so something gets accomplished. He can be tactful when needed and a cranky old man when needed …
  • USD 20.15

    Will Ethereum surpass Bitcoin in market capitalization in 2016?

  • … , and I think costs of switching to SegWit are not so high for an operator competing market https://www.fairlay.com/predict/registered/new/will-ethereum-have-a-higher-market-cap-than-bitcoin-at-the-end …
  • USD 0.00

    Which democratic candidate will Americans rank highest in economic competence?

  • …  get them Hilary, she is the best choice, and we could use a woman in office hillary Bernie's going to write new rules, and abide by them yes Hillary has been there before, and stood up for her …
  • USD 20.13

    Sanders: What percentage of delegates will nominate Bernie Sanders at the 2016 Democratic National ...

  • …  of turning how the people in america raise there children to the UN, this was on the news awhile back, she believes that the UN can do a better job then us when it comes to raising our own children Hi Sherry …
  • USD 20.02

    Werden die 21. Wiener Landtags- und Gemeinderatswahlen 2020 vorverlegt? Und warum?

  • …  ÖVP wechselt. Genaueres im Video ab Minute 1:59 https://www.puls4.com/puls-4-news/videos/Beitraege/Innenpolitik/Florian-Klenk-zur-Strache-Affaere?fbclid=IwAR34lLtoNLIPf87op3Kfp9u40CYxtAAQUa8YhXQYG …
  • USD 0.00

    Which republican candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

  • … . That is what I am betting on- that A good percentage of those polled will say he is Trustworthy for these reasons. Today in "Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace" more pointed questions for Mr. Cruz …
  • USD 20.16

    Soziales (inkl. Pensionen, Umverteilung, ...)?

  • …  sichern. Am besten mit einer Polit-, & Verwaltungsreform. der umverteilungskampf wird immer grösser. den Populisten spielt das in die Hände: strache, trump u etc............................ Achtung …
  • USD 0.00

    In wievielen "Zeit im Bild"-Sendungen des ORF wird Roland Düringer zwischen 18.08.2017 und 15.10.20...

  • …  sich doch selbst. Das "Promi" Argument ist überhaupt trollig. Weil Düringer ein bekannter Polit-Kabarettisten ist, darf er politisch nichts sagen? Genau umgekehrt wäre richtig …
  • USD 0.00

    Wird GILT die erforderliche Anzahl von Unterstützungserklärungen erhalten?

  • … : Schon über 4.000 gültige Unterschriften von den gültigen Stimmen Österreichs. Es GILT! News Flash: Auch die Salzburger wollen nicht länger ungültige Stimmen bleiben! Mit Stand zum Nachmittag gibt es 206 …
  • USD 50.00
    Confidential results hidden from view