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Will a government or a major US corporation successfully launch an own cryptocurrency during 2020? ...

  • … For purposes of this questions "Government "means the a sovereign country which is a member of the United Nations. "Major US Company" means any component company of either the Dow …
  • USD 20.00

    What will be the highest price of bitcoin in 2020?

  • …  wouldn't be surprising. Corporate backing of Bitcoin and others have been happening since early last year. More major companies have been using crypto's for their transactions in last the last 5 …
  • USD 20.00

    Will the Playstation 4 or the Xbox One sell more consoles worldwide by March 29th, 2014?

  • …  the PS4 will no doubt outsell the Xbox console units cos of moderate in pricing between the two and also the ps4 dominates and boost of lots of Games to go with. My mistake. My company's fiscal year …
  • USD 10.00

    What will be the value of the S&P 500 when the NYSE closes on 9 February 2024?

  • … . The major earnings calls tomorrow are Pepsico, Enbridge, Honda, among other large and small-cap companies. The success or failure of the 5,000 summit push will likely be determined by these earnings calls …
  • USD 0.00

    What will be the value of the S&P 500 when the NYSE closes on 23 February 2024?

  • …  the continued (relatively) high demand for all goods that these companies produce, I believe the odds of these earnings calls satisfying market appetite for growth are high. However, I do believe it is unlikely …
  • USD 0.00

    When will the first electric car with a solid-state battery be launched?

  • … . And what does this mean for timing? Do your trade! I think they still need time to figure some things out. With rising oil costs, car companies are now under even more pressure for a more reliable …
  • USD 0.00

    What will the exchange rate of US$ per Bitcoin be at the end of 2013?

  • …  and promotion body denies the charges but other companies in the Bitcoin ecosystem may well have received similar letters. Brand value of Bitcoin The San Jose Bitcoin Foundation Conference [6] is likely to spark …
  • USD 133.98

    Will global warming reach +1.5°C by 2030, and why?

  • …  think more and more companies are going to be bringing out environmental friendly products and with a wider range we’ll eventually stop using products bad for our environment. Don’t get me wrong we’ll …
  • USD 10.00

    Sanders: What percentage of delegates will nominate Bernie Sanders at the 2016 Democratic National ...

  • …  loopholes that allow the wealthy to avoid taxes on money they inherit and expensive artwork they collect. Paid for by stopping taxpayer-funded giveaways to oil, gas and coal companies. Paid for by a 6.2 …
  • USD 20.02

    Will the opening weekend domestic box office gross of Madame Web exceed $25 million?

  • … See the wiki. Yes No Predictions for this movie look very negative. There is a review ban (companies like Rotten Tomato or IMDb are unable to release their reviews) set on this movie, entailing …
  • USD 0.00

    Which republican candidate will Americans regard as the best leader?

  • …  personally but from everything i have read and seen about him if he can run a large multinational company, and admit that he did make mistakes in the past and not try to hide them, then he would run the USA …
  • USD 20.12

    Which industry will the world's first trillionaire emerge from, and why?

  • …  the base Given the current state of our economy and lifestyles, we will be seeing a spike in software/technology companies as well as online retailers. At this rate I believe software/technology companies …
  • USD 0.00

    What percentage of Australian new car sales in 2015 will be cars with computerized automated parkin...

  • …  with various features is much higher than the manual driving cars. Moreover cars with autonomous features is not fully implemented. Still research is going on. companies such as Google, Baidu, McKinsey is still …
  • USD 10.00

    Which TV brand will win the EISA award 2017/18 for best high-end TV?

  • …  and LG are two competitors, the two companies comparable, according to market analysis I am optimistic about LG, Samsung can not be overlooked The maximum number of betting forecasts I guess Samsung has …
  • USD 50.00

    Which of these brands of shampoo will have the highest user satisfaction in the 2013 study?

  • … ; for a chance to win. Head and shoulders not on the list ... very surprising... Timotei pure there is no parabens in this shampoo. There id companies charging £25 for same ingrefirnts.at 99p you cannot …
  • USD 80.00

    Is there a cryptocurrency bubble building in 2017 and by when will it burst?

  • …  There are many things about this gain which wasn't present in the case of 2013 crash. 1. Ethereum development roadmap is really promising. 2. EEA having odd companies joining in. 3. There are many altcoins …
  • USD 100.00

    When will U.S. house prices peak before the next crisis?

  • …  again became the President in which the President substitute donald trump companies will create a policy that reduces the crisis even through it 不稳定 的经济状态 一定会导致不稳定 的房价。使人民的生活处于不安定的 可能没那么快发生 It’s going …
  • USD 60.00

    Clinton: What percentage of delegates will nominate Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National...

  • …  President. Bernie is giving her a run for her money, but what makes you think this? I disagree, she has much invested that she doesn't want to loose. Her backers are companies she is highly invested …
  • USD 20.03

    Will automation cause rising unemployment by 2020?

  • … . Automation is on the rise - and companies are continually striving to bring production cost down. Automation will continue to grow and the unskilled worker will find it harder to find a job, but I believe …
  • USD 10.00

    Will Ethereum surpass Bitcoin in market capitalization in 2016?

  • …  gets there first. This could also be said about a company like overstock, think of how many early Ethereum, and dapp investors they aren't getting ? This is only going to grow from here …
  • USD 0.00
    Confidential results hidden from view