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Which republican candidate will Americans regard as the best leader?

  • …  Trump is probably the best qualified leader of all the candidates based on his business experience. However I believe what makes a good President is the people that he surrounds himself with on his …
  • USD 20.12

    What will be the highest price of bitcoin in 2021?

  • …  reasonable amount but it will not go over 75 000 definitely not Bitcoin is becoming a very popular currency Worldwide. Online business has immersed tremendously from the past year due to the pandemic. I …
  • USD 20.00

    Which democratic candidate will Americans rank highest in economic competence?

  • …  by many Democrats as a means to break the hold businesses have on our government, and free the economy to work for the average American again. Democrats will break somewhere in the middle, or near middle …
  • USD 20.13

    Wie lange werden die aktuellen Ausgangsbeschränkungen in Österreich aufgrund von Corona andauern?

  • …  to open up for year end business will be key. Hmmmmmm. Wenn Sie so sicher sind, warum nur 1000 C.?? Da ich von Freunden aus sicherer Quelle weiß, dass der Lockdown bis Weihnachten weiter geht, habe ich …
  • USD 0.00

    Will current inflation be only transitory? What will US CPI be for 2022?

  • … : https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jan/12/us-inflation-rate-december-2021 The Federal Reserve is now preparing to raise interest rates to curb inflation and has indicated that it may raise rates …
  • USD 20.00

    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • …  person in his life and very successful in his business. He is a very strong man He will be winner in every situation as like he win in president poll. You have to be kidding, right? Trump hasn't …
  • USD 100.00

    Sanders: What percentage of delegates will nominate Bernie Sanders at the 2016 Democratic National ...

  • …  not have to be so jaded in my outlook but I spent years in business and know how these things work. While congress is trying to pay a bill to do what he wants; and be realistic, they won't vote …
  • USD 20.02

    Will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin in 2017 at least on one day, and by how much?

  • …  is that no business adopts bitcoin. For what? The one who tried using it as payment channels are facing big problems. https://i.imgur.com/SnpLFu7.png . Bitcoin is by all means an inferior technology with a huge need …
  • USD 50.00

    Quanto incasserà il film "Star Wars: Il risveglio della Forza" dal 16 dicembre and 20 dicembre comp...

  • …  sugli incassi e quindi ulteriori informazioni che potremo utilizzare per affinare le previsioni.... Question is if there is already anybody knowledgeable of the movie business in this small crowd... One …
  • USD 0.00

    Clinton: What percentage of delegates will nominate Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National...

  • …  this ellections with probability until 77% because she has some experience in political, ex US's precident wife, senator, lawyer and not only as business or entertainer women. Clinton's have to much tied …
  • USD 20.03

    Which TV brand will win the EISA award 2017/18 for best high-end TV?

  • …  of home appliance business," sansung You're right。 LG's investment next year will rise by $12% to $18 billion. 参考前几年的情况,LG和三星概率比较大 lg super UHD 三星质量门以来,销售锐减了不少,各大厂商有部分已转向LG,而LG一直以来,质量相对稳 …
  • USD 50.00

    Familien- und Jugendpolitik?

  • … ! Sie haben Recht, wenn man die Geschichte mit business as usual fortschreiben würde: Familie mit Kindern benötigt zwei Einkommen, mit allen Konsequenzen. Ich glaube, dass sich viele wieder nach mehr …
  • USD 0.00

    Europapolitik und EU?

  • In einer parallelen Studie befragen wir derzeit namens GILT 1.000 Österreicherinnen und Österreicher im repräsentativen Mix (Geschlecht, Alter, Ausbildung, ...): "Wie zufriedenstellend oder problematisch finden Sie die derzeitige Lage in Österreich im Bereich Europapolitik und EU?". Die Antwortmöglichkeiten reichen von "Sehr zufriedenstellend" bis "Sehr problematisch". An die Umfrage schließt ebenfalls ein Prognosemarkt an. Zur Abrechnung dieser Prognosefrage wird das Ergebnis der repräsentativen Studie herangezogen.
  • USD 0.00

    Arbeit und Arbeitsmarkt (inkl. Arbeitslose, ....)?

  • In einer parallelen Studie befragen wir derzeit namens GILT 1.000 Österreicherinnen und Österreicher im repräsentativen Mix (Geschlecht, Alter, Ausbildung, ...): "Wie zufriedenstellend oder problematisch finden Sie die derzeitige Lage in Österreich im Bereich Arbeit und Arbeitsmarkt (inkl. Arbeitslose, ....)?". Die Antwortmöglichkeiten reichen von "Sehr zufriedenstellend" bis "Sehr problematisch". An die Umfrage schließt ebenfalls ein Prognosemarkt an. Zur Abrechnung dieser Prognosefrage wird das Ergebnis der repräsentativen Studie herangezogen.
  • USD 0.00
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