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Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • …  blame you if you get sick? I am sick and I do not blame anyone... it is what it is.There is no pandemic.! Less people are sick with "Corona" than H1N1 when Obama was in office and the country …
  • USD 100.00

    How many OECD countries will have drone delivery services by 2020?

  • …  will be adopted and spread very quickly to more than 1/2 of the 'target' Countries in this question. However ... drone delivery of a box of corn flakes might be a "want" but it will be opposed …
  • USD 100.00

    Quanto incasserà il film "Star Wars: Il risveglio della Forza" dal 16 dicembre and 20 dicembre comp...

  • … Somma degli incassi del film "Stars Wars: Il risveglio della Forza" pubblicati quotidianamente su http://www.cinetel.it/i-nostri-servizi/report-pubblici/box-office-di-ieri.html, dal 16 …
  • USD 0.00

    Quale sarà l'incasso totale Italia (in Euro) del film "Spectre 007" nel weekend del 13-15 novembre?

  • … ;spectateurs" per Spectre, il lider Spiderman 3 ne aveva 804.000. http://www.lesechos.fr/tech-medias/medias/021471009046-spectre-enregistre-le-meilleur-demarrage-de-lhistoire-du-box-office-francais-1174509 …
  • USD 0.00

    Trump: What percentage of delegates will nominate Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Conv...

  • …  of the box. 40-50% Interesting Think Donald Trump wouldn't do well in office? Reconsider. Yes, he tends to talk without intuition and he's humiliated himself on more than two or three events …
  • USD 20.07

    When will New Demarchy complete its first successful pilot project?

  • …  that already has no basic social problems, such as poverty, unemployment. and right now I feel there is no such country let's make it happen this year : ) semoga never forget austria open democracy …
  • USD 10.02

    Arbeit und Arbeitsmarkt (inkl. Arbeitslose, ....)?

  • … . Ich finde auch, dass Vergünstigungen für Unternehmer geboten werden sollten, welche Ihre Mitarbeiter im Home-Office beschäftigen, da hier auf allen Seiten Kosten (w.z.B. Sprit) gespart werden könnten …
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    Confidential results hidden from view