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New Qualitative: Tapping Crowd Intelligence for Advertising Efficiency

  • …  at either one or the other, hence full coverage needing both. Today’s business environment however, puts enormous pressure on companies and managers to be more agile and cost efficient. Tighter budgets …
  • WARNING: Beware of Pretend Predictive Market Providers

  • …  simple surveys instead of continuous real-time markets to decide the prices of their listed companies’ predicted cash-flows. Tellingly, providers of fake prediction markets seek to “prove” the validity …
  • An Online Method to Identify Experts

  • … . In other words, the betting market odds were all their guy needed to outperform the soccer experts in his company, even those who spent hours and hours for many years to observe and learn about the game …
  • Terms of Use

  • …  to the start of the Incentive Period. In this case, a cancellation fee applies. As a Sponsor, you consent to appear in Prediki's customer list with your company name. Such consent may be revoked at any time …
  • Help

  • …  in May of 2017. What's up with that? Hi Sarah, the big market research companies take a month after year end to publish annual results. We expect actual 2017 sales and shares to be available in late …
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