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UK Politics

  • USD 0.00

    What relationship will the UK and the EU agree after the Brexit?

  • …  as of December 15th, 2017, mentioned that they have yet to determine the length of the transition period, further trade deals, and immigration. The UK are in a very vulnerable and volatile political situation …
  • USD 50.00

    When will the UK declare the Brexit?

  • … The question shall be judged by the date on which an authorised representative of the United Kingdom formally notifies the European Council of the UK’s intention to withdraw from the EU in accordance …
  • USD 20.00

    Brexit (i.e. the UK leaving the EU): What percentage will the Leave side achieve?

  • … Breaking news in BBC, CNN, etc. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/24/europe/uk-eu-referendum-results/index.html 51-60%  …
  • USD 0.00

    Will UKIP get the biggest share of votes in the MEP election?

  • … The question will be judged with the rank of the UK Independence Party amongst other UK political parties according to official European Parliament elections result publications. (#EP2014) Biggest …
  • USD 0.00

    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • …  or No The problem is money. Political parties are essentially corporations that take money from donors in exchange for political favors. Don't kid yourselves - both parties do this. Hi Hubertus, I changed …
  • USD 100.00

    Prediction Markets: A Better Alternative

  • …  not able to predict these results. Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist and CEO of Prediki, which operates the global prediction platform prediki.com, talks about the advantages of modern political stock …
  • How many OECD countries will have drone delivery services by 2020?

  • …  will be in existence. The question is to what extent. Amazon announced that the company had successfully used UAVs in December 7, 2016 to complete its first delivery in the uk. It is reported that the user from …
  • USD 100.00

    Управление путем прогнозов

  • … . Read more... The Morphing State of Television's Political Predictions in Online News Links Vienna, 30 November 2015 Minitrue, George Orwell's infamous Ministry of Truth from Nineteen-Eighty …
  • Management by Predictions (Prediki Blog in English)

  • … . Read more... The Morphing State of Television's Political Predictions in Online News Links Vienna, 30 November 2015 Minitrue, George Orwell's infamous Ministry of Truth from Nineteen-Eighty …
  • Confidential results hidden from view