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In wievielen "Zeit im Bild"-Sendungen des ORF wird Christian Kern zwischen einschließlich 18.08.201...

  • …  diskutiert wird Da soziale Events wie Fußball-Match mit Strolz und Co. auch zählen, werden wir ihn noch oft sehen. Ist eh ein fescher Kerl mit angenehmer Stimme und interessanten Themen. Er holt sich was ihm …
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    Управление путем прогнозов

  • …  landscape is changing rapidly. Read more... 2016 Elections in Russia. Boring? Or Unfair? Vienna, 29 August 2016 "The Most Boring Election of 2016“ was the title of a recent Bloomberg.com article …
  • Management by Predictions (Prediki Blog in English)

  • …  it needs to look into its future. They need the best possible predictions to questions like... Read more... An Online Method to Identify Experts Vienna, 09 July 2018 The other day, at a fun event hosted …
  • Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • … , he was very unfriendly to China, Russia and other Asian countries. This is very unfavorable to the current international situation and will also have a great impact on his own achievements. That' …
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