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How many yards will Aaron Rodgers throw for in the game on Sunday against the 49ers?

  • … Box score of the game on espn.com Between 1-100 100-225 226-300 301 or More  …
  • USD 0.00

    How many OECD countries will have drone delivery services by 2020?

  • …  will be adopted and spread very quickly to more than 1/2 of the 'target' Countries in this question. However ... drone delivery of a box of corn flakes might be a "want" but it will be opposed …
  • USD 100.00

    Prediki Predictions

    Platform Operator

  • …  your question just click the grey incentive Box down in the right column. It takes but a minute.) We assume you are trying to find the Anlene Competition. Here is the link to go: https://www.prediki.com …
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    Quanto incasserà il film "Star Wars: Il risveglio della Forza" dal 16 dicembre and 20 dicembre comp...

  • … Somma degli incassi del film "Stars Wars: Il risveglio della Forza" pubblicati quotidianamente su http://www.cinetel.it/i-nostri-servizi/report-pubblici/box-office-di-ieri.html, dal 16 …
  • USD 0.00

    Quale sarà l'incasso totale Italia (in Euro) del film "Spectre 007" nel weekend del 13-15 novembre?

  • … ;spectateurs" per Spectre, il lider Spiderman 3 ne aveva 804.000. http://www.lesechos.fr/tech-medias/medias/021471009046-spectre-enregistre-le-meilleur-demarrage-de-lhistoire-du-box-office-francais-1174509 …
  • USD 0.00

    Trump: What percentage of delegates will nominate Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Conv...

  • …  of the box. 40-50% Interesting Think Donald Trump wouldn't do well in office? Reconsider. Yes, he tends to talk without intuition and he's humiliated himself on more than two or three events …
  • USD 20.07

    Response Fraud in Market Research: How Bad is it?

  • … % of “Weekly Grocery Shoppers” checked the box saying that they had a “University Degree or More”. Imagine that: according to this data, you are more likely to meet brainy graduates at your local supermarket …
  • Which democratic candidate will Americans regard as the best leader?

  • … -political-science-textbook/congress-11/congressional-elections-81/the-power-of-incumbency-446-1638/ If the race wasn't soooo expensive, I'd be looking for another box, saying "none …
  • USD 20.11


  • …  improvements and new settings for web notification - Response-time improvements for heavy users - Advanced new light-box capabilities Prediki now has a new overview page when you click on our logo top left …
  • Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by the combined approval rating of FiveThirtyEight at the end of his first presidency term, expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this. Here is to the source: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average". Note: The Gallup source originally defined for this question's judgement could be biased and will not be used: http://www.gallup.com/poll/116677/Presidential-Approval-Ratings-Gallup-Historical-Statistics-Trends.aspx
  • USD 100.00
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