Will the university go to fully online instruction by Nov 1, 2020?
Transaction logbook for William Gilleland
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2020/09/08 08:24:07 T | No | 4,000.00 | - | 6,758.27 | 59.19 | Bought | 8d451a2e |
2020/09/01 11:00:52 T | Yes | - | -10,000.00 | -19,655.90 | 49.12 | Sold | a6deaa1d |
2020/09/01 10:58:12 T | Yes | - | 10,000.00 | 19,655.90 | 49.12 | Bought | a6deaa1d |