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Will the majority of Australians vote in favor of same-sex marriage in the upcoming ballot?

Vote on modification proposals

  • New question proposed accepted on 2017/11/02 06:59:36
    • Helene Meier, Prediki Support

      Hi Ana, supported this but normally would recommend to make this an ordered question with narrow win/big win answers for both sides, defined by pecrentages. You can do this quickly (and I will support), before someone trades, or start inviting traders through your social media. All the best!

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    Will the majority of Australians vote in favor of same-sex marriage in the upcoming ballot?
    Judgement rule
    Question type
    Two alternatives
    • (50.00%) Yes
    • (50.00%) No
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2017/10/30 24:00
    Result expected on
    2017/11/12 24:00
    Trading session (optional):