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Will the Playstation 4 or the Xbox One sell more consoles worldwide by March 29th, 2014?

Transaction logbook for John Yeadon

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2014/03/01 18:15:04 T Sony Playstation 4 -100.00 - 116.92 85.53 Sold RRdSBGkG
2014/03/01 18:15:03 T Microsoft Xbox One - -50.00 -58.45 14.46 Sold RRdSBGkG
2014/03/01 18:14:44 T Microsoft Xbox One - 50.00 58.45 14.46 Bought RRdSBGkG
2014/03/01 18:14:38 T Sony Playstation 4 100.00 - 116.92 85.53 Bought RRdSBGkG
2014/03/01 18:03:34 T Microsoft Xbox One - -3,959.04 -4,613.21 14.18 Sold RRdSBGkG
2014/03/01 18:03:10 T Sony Playstation 4 -6,156.66 - 7,113.11 86.55 Sold RRdSBGkG
2014/03/01 17:58:51 T Microsoft Xbox One - 4,000.00 4,613.21 13.29 Bought RRdSBGkG
2014/03/01 17:58:21 T Sony Playstation 4 -4,000.00 - 4,613.21 86.71 Sold RRdSBGkG
2014/02/28 15:39:36 T Sony Playstation 4 9,000.00 - 10,423.02 86.35 Bought efpQ0Z02
2014/02/17 03:49:01 T Sony Playstation 4 1,000.00 - 1,303.30 76.73 Bought oF7NSs8N
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement