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Will Tesla be overtaken by the Germans? Which rank will it have in 2021?

Transaction logbook for venty arissaputri

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2022/02/04 04:14:44 S 2nd 0.00 - -819.27 0.00 Final settlement
2022/02/04 04:14:44 S 1st -181.86 - -181.87 100.00 Final settlement
2021/12/01 22:52:46 T 2nd 100.00 - 819.27 12.21 Bought 4f206e54
2021/12/01 22:47:45 T 1st 100.00 - 181.87 54.98 Bought 4f206e54
2021/12/01 22:47:09 T 3rd -2.48 - 35.29 7.03 Sold 4f206e54
2018/11/09 22:22:37 T 3rd 5.00 - 35.29 14.17 Bought 4f2032e
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement