Will Tesla be overtaken by the Germans? Which rank will it have in 2021?
Transaction logbook for Matt Redfern
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2022/02/04 04:14:44 S | 5th | - | -7,414.84 | -7,414.85 | 0.00 | Final settlement | |
2022/02/04 04:14:44 S | 1st | -1,328.93 | - | -1,328.93 | 100.00 | Final settlement | |
2022/01/06 21:01:02 T | 5th | - | 6,668.97 | 7,414.85 | 10.06 | Bought | 9543d94 |
2022/01/06 21:00:42 T | 4th | - | -8,974.62 | -9,950.40 | 9.81 | Sold | 9543d94 |
2021/09/02 19:54:08 T | 1st | 296.23 | - | 831.24 | 35.64 | Bought | 92507fd |
2021/07/14 20:10:11 T | 1st | 140.97 | - | 497.70 | 28.32 | Bought | 9543d88 |
2020/12/15 20:26:51 T | 4th | - | 7,581.74 | 9,476.83 | 20.00 | Bought | 94ebdc87 |
2020/12/15 20:26:46 T | 1st | -149.51 | - | 589.83 | 25.35 | Sold | 94ebdc87 |
2020/12/15 20:26:37 T | Worse than 7th | - | -7,410.05 | -7,698.73 | 3.75 | Sold | 94ebdc87 |
2020/12/15 20:26:30 T | 4th | - | 374.72 | 473.57 | 20.87 | Bought | 94ebdc87 |
2019/04/18 15:37:25 T | 1st | 183.01 | - | 589.83 | 31.03 | Bought | 8b80d04f |
2019/01/15 19:05:15 T | Worse than 7th | - | 7,154.57 | 7,698.73 | 7.07 | Bought | 94ebd1fd |