Will New Demarchy produce better policy impact forecasts than professional politicians already in 2016?
Transaction logbook for SILVIA HELENA DROSDOWSKI
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2020/01/11 03:23:52 S | Better (PI +10 to +20 %) | - | -7,205.00 | -10,579.12 | 31.89 | Final settlement | |
2018/09/22 21:56:35 T | Better (PI +10 to +20 %) | - | 7,522.96 | 10,579.12 | 28.89 | Bought | 30cac4c4 |
2018/09/22 21:56:19 T | Significantly better (PI +20 to +30 %) | -8,110.27 | - | 22,287.62 | 36.39 | Sold | 30cac4c4 |
2018/09/11 20:49:51 T | Significantly better (PI +20 to +30 %) | 8,200.00 | - | 22,287.62 | 36.79 | Bought | 79c23493 |