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Will Ethereum surpass Bitcoin in market capitalization in 2016?

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  • Modification proposal 1 accepted on 2016/04/20 11:34:12

    - refining question
    - eliminating condition of website dysfunction - this is factored alread in by Predikti

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    Will Ethereum surpass Bitcoin in market capitalization in 2016?
    Judgement rule
    If by the end of 2016 there was one point in time when Ethereum market capitalization has surpassed Bitcoin's, then the answer should be considered true.
    Data source shall be: https://coinmarketcap.com
    If the data source does not exist anymore before the deadline, the true answer is considered NO.
    As of 1th January 2017, will Ethereum market capitalization be higher than Bitcoin?
    Data source shall be:


    Question type
    Two alternatives
    • (50.00%) Yes
    • (50.00%) No
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2017/01/01 00:01
    Result expected on
    2017/01/05 24:00
    Trading session (optional):