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Will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin in 2017 at least on one day, and by how much?

Transaction logbook for Gerhard H.

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2018/01/04 12:23:21 S No, 50 to 100% -9,951.72 - -9,951.72 100.00 Final settlement
2017/12/30 07:01:25 T No, 50 to 100% 9,443.79 - 9,951.72 94.90 Bought 1d516899
2017/12/30 06:59:44 T Yes, 200% or more - -1,517.31 -1,578.29 3.86 Sold 1d516899
2017/12/30 06:59:41 T Yes, 100 to 200% -2,186.82 - 90,224.27 2.42 Sold 1d516899
2017/12/23 04:26:32 T Yes, 100 to 200% 1,000.00 - 31,482.11 3.18 Bought 1d51694c
2017/12/04 12:34:36 T No, 50 to 100% - -1,239.67 -13,235.81 90.63 Sold 1d516ef9
2017/12/04 12:34:17 T Yes, 100 to 200% 1,000.00 - 25,047.38 3.99 Bought 1d516ef9
2017/12/04 12:34:04 T Yes, 100 to 200% 1,000.00 - 33,694.78 2.97 Bought 1d516ef9
2017/12/04 12:33:46 T No, 50 to 100% - 1,000.00 13,235.81 92.44 Bought 1d516ef9
2017/12/04 12:33:30 T Yes, 200% or more - 1,000.01 1,051.74 4.92 Bought 1d516ef9
2017/11/28 12:16:45 T Yes, 200% or more - 500.00 526.56 5.04 Bought 1d516838
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement