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Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

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  • Helene Meier, Prediki Support
    • 4 years ago
  • Helene Meier, Prediki Support
    • 4 years ago
  • Alfie Meier, Master of Story & Suspense
    Edited wiki.

    Added a second table of forme presidents' approval ratings to the wiki, as combined by 538. If Trump stays below 50.1%, he will be judged "Very Bad".

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    I propose a change/modification to the Judgement rule. I do not feel it is fair that only one polling firm (Gallup) is used to determine the final approval rating of Donald Trump. I belive it should be sum total of several polling firms to get an accurate and true result. With a lot of research I have found that Rasmussen has an "unchallenged record for both integrity and accuracy."

    • 4 years ago
    • Timothy Vercoe

      if you change this you need to change them all else it would not also be fair correct it should remain

    • Banned user

      Poll analyst Nate Silver found that Gallup's results were the least accurate of the 23 major polling firms Silver analyzed, having the highest incorrect average of being 7.2 points away from the final result. ... So keeping it to just one polling firm is absolutely NOT fair.

    • Alfie Meier, Master of Story & Suspense

      1. I checked this proposed change and it is severely flawed: Rasmussen was only founded in 2003 and has NO HISTORY data for the prior presidents. Therefore it cannot be used to rank Trump fairly amongst other presidents and I vote against this change. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/a…
      2. As an aside: Rasmussen is quite controversial and pro-republican which also violates NEUTRALITY of the judgement. Source: https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking…
      3. Adding "Yes/No" as answer options just does not make sense. Another reason to reject this.
      4. In principle, a composite ranking (i.e. not just Rasmussen) is a good idea. A quick search shows that Nate Silver's 538 has one but the combined also gives Trump only 42% approval, just like Gallup (which is quite neutral IMHO) not 51% like Rasmussen. So, a change to the 538 composite would not change the outcome.
      Also, if the source is changed, the whole question and wiki must be adapted accordingly by the community.

    • Banned user

      I dont believe the proposal suggested just Rasmussen. The proposal stated it should be a sum total of several polling firms.to get a true and accurate result.. Using just the Gallup polls is not being neutral!!!!. They have a history of being inaccurate.

  • Alfie Meier, Master of Story & Suspense
    Edited wiki.

    Added FiveThirtyEight as a combined source. Someone still needs to re-create a table of other presidents' combined ration.

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  • Alfie Meier, Master of Story & Suspense

    The last change which went through with a very narrow vote of 51/49 created a problem. It rendered the question unusable with the appended yes/no answers. I am proposing two modifications: 1.Let us re-instate the original version to get rid of the unsuitable yes/now. 2. Let's replace Gallup with a combined source, Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight has such a composite. They describe here how they improve on the various individual approval trackers and it has the same history back to Truman in the year 1945: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-were-tra…

    • 4 years ago
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Edited wiki.

    Improved language in background explanation.

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  • Trump's term in office is set to end on January 20, 2021

    • 7 years ago