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Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

Vote on modification proposals

  • Alfie Meier, Master of Story & Suspense
    Modification proposal 10 accepted on 2020/09/26 03:05:45

    The last change which went through with a very narrow vote of 51/49 created a problem. It rendered the question unusable with the appended yes/no answers. I am proposing two modifications: 1.Let us re-instate the original version to get rid of the unsuitable yes/now. 2. Let's replace Gallup with a combined source, Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight has such a composite. They describe here how they improve on the various individual approval trackers and it has the same history back to Truman in the year 1945: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-were-tra…

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    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?
    Judgement rule
    I propose a change/modification to the Judgement rule. I do not feel it is fair that only one polling firm (Gallup) is used to determine the final approval rating of Donald Trump. I belive it should be sum total of several polling firms to get an accurate and true result. With a lot of research I have found that Rasmussen has an "unchallenged record for both integrity and accuracy."

    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by the combined approval rating of FiveThirtyEight at the end of his first presidency term, expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this. Here is to the source: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approv…

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".

    Note: The Gallup source originally defined for this question's judgement could be biased and will not be used: http://www.gallup.com/poll/116677/Presidential-Ap…
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (14.29%) Very bad
    • 2. (14.29%) Bad
    • 3. (14.29%) Average
    • 4. (14.29%) Good
    • 5. (14.29%) Very good
    • 6. Yes
    • 7. No
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Profile picture
    Modification proposal 9 accepted on 2020/09/23 00:03:12

    I propose a change/modification to the Judgement rule. I do not feel it is fair that only one polling firm (Gallup) is used to determine the final approval rating of Donald Trump. I belive it should be sum total of several polling firms to get an accurate and true result. With a lot of research I have found that Rasmussen has an "unchallenged record for both integrity and accuracy."

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    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?
    Judgement rule
    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    I propose a change/modification to the Judgement rule. I do not feel it is fair that only one polling firm (Gallup) is used to determine the final approval rating of Donald Trump. I belive it should be sum total of several polling firms to get an accurate and true result. With a lot of research I have found that Rasmussen has an "unchallenged record for both integrity and accuracy."

    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (14.29%) Very bad
    • 2. (14.29%) Bad
    • 3. (14.29%) Average
    • 4. (14.29%) Good
    • 5. (14.29%) Very good
    • 6. (14.29%) Yes
    • 7. (14.29%) No
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Modification proposal 8 accepted on 2018/02/08 07:24:25

    Trump's term in office is set to end on January 20, 2021

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    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?
    Judgement rule
    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (20.00%) Very bad
    • 2. (20.00%) Bad
    • 3. (20.00%) Average
    • 4. (20.00%) Good
    • 5. (20.00%) Very good
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2017/01/20 24:00
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Modification proposal 7 accepted on 2016/12/22 10:42:00


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    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?
    Judgement rule
    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. Very bad ... 49- (20.00%) Very bad
    • 2. Bad ... 50-53 (20.00%) Bad
    • 3. Average ... 54-57 (20.00%) Average
    • 4. Good ... 58 (20.00%) Good
    • 5. Very good ... 59+ (20.00%) Very good
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2017/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Modification proposal 6 accepted on 2016/12/22 08:55:07

    Fixed indicator for very bad.

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    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?
    Judgement rule
    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. Very bad ... 48- (20.00%) Very bad ... 49-
    • 2. (20.00%) Bad ... 50-53
    • 3. (20.00%) Average ... 54-57
    • 4. (20.00%) Good ... 58
    • 5. (20.00%) Very good ... 59+
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2017/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Modification proposal 5 accepted on 2016/12/22 08:49:22

    Added score

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    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?
    Judgement rule
    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. Very bad (20.00%) Very bad ... 48-
    • 2. Bad (20.00%) Bad ... 50-53
    • 3. Average (20.00%) Average ... 54-57
    • 4. Good (20.00%) Good ... 58
    • 5. Very good (20.00%) Very good ... 59+
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2017/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Modification proposal 4 accepted on 2016/12/22 08:28:38

    Request qual input

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    Will Donald Trump be a good President?
    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?
    Judgement rule
    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (20.00%) Very bad
    • 2. (20.00%) Bad
    • 3. (20.00%) Average
    • 4. (20.00%) Good
    • 5. (20.00%) Very good
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2017/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Modification proposal 3 accepted on 2016/12/20 09:08:04

    Indicator re-specified as "final rating" to allow for result-oriented opinion formation.

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    Will Donald Trump be a good President?
    Judgement rule
    The question shall be judged by the average approval rating over Donald Trump's first presidency term starting 20 January 2017 as determined by Gallup USA.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by Gallup USA at the end of his first presidency term. expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (20.00%) Very bad
    • 2. (20.00%) Bad
    • 3. (20.00%) Average
    • 4. (20.00%) Good
    • 5. (20.00%) Very good
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2017/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Modification proposal 2 accepted on 2016/12/20 08:19:56

    Incorporated an empirical measure

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    Will Trump be a good President?
    Will Donald Trump be a good President?
    Judgement rule
    What do you think?
    The question shall be judged by the average approval rating over Donald Trump's first presidency term starting 20 January 2017 as determined by Gallup USA.

    If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average".
    Question type
    Two alternatives
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. Yes (20.00%) Very bad New colour
    • 2. No (20.00%) Bad New colour
    • 3. (20.00%) Average
    • 4. (20.00%) Good
    • 5. (20.00%) Very good
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2016/12/01 24:00
    2017/01/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2016/12/06 24:00
    2021/01/20 24:00
    Trading session (optional):