Will 2021 see a brain drain away from Ethereum?
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The prediction
Daniel Pichler, a fellow member of Bitcoin Austria and Bitcoin maximalist, predicts that Ethereum may lose developer talent in 2021. due to Ethereum 1.0 running into similar problems as Bitcoin in 2017: high fees and scaling problems.
With Ethereum 2.0 not arriving anytime soon, developers may start to look elsewhere for interesting projects.
While there is no ideal way to judge if this brain drain happening or not, we will use open job listings as a reasonable proxy of interest in the platform, and compare job listings for either Ethereum vs Bitcoin developers on crypto job portal Indeed.com. On 04 Jan 2021, there were 373 job offers for ETH vs 428 for BTC, hence the ratio was 87%.
Here are the links respective links:
"Coin Narrative 2020", Daniel Pichler (01 Jan 2020)