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Who will get the Second (final) Wildcard Spot in the Eastern Conference of the NHL Playoffs?

Transaction logbook for WFU_all smiles

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2024/04/17 10:49:17 S Washington Capitals -8,536.62 - -8,536.62 100.00 Final settlement
2024/04/16 13:12:52 T Washington Capitals 3,138.00 - 8,536.62 36.76 Bought 5cd569ed
2024/04/16 13:12:37 T Washington Capitals -3,137.45 - 8,535.17 36.76 Sold 5cd569ed
2024/04/16 02:12:05 T Washington Capitals 3,700.00 - 8,535.17 43.35 Bought 5cd569ed
2024/04/16 02:12:01 T Pittsburgh Penguin -2,701.28 - 18,037.07 14.98 Sold 5cd569ed
2024/04/12 00:06:07 T Pittsburgh Penguin 9,000.00 - 18,037.07 49.90 Bought 5cd5feb5
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement