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Which republican candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

Settlement proposals

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§ Judgement rule
The question will be judged by the result of a questionnaire survey by Globaltestmarkets asking a representative sample of US voters the question: "How trustworthy do you think these people are?"
Reference date: Jan. 31, 2016, 24:00 EST
  • Prediki Predictions, Platform Operator
    Proposed result 1 accepted on 2016/03/11 11:51:18

    Proposed result:
    Marco Rubio
    Trading cut-off:
    2016/03/08 10:47:11
    Globaltestmarkets have provided us with the result of their questionnaire survey. Refer to the question wiki for details. ...more
    • Sherry Hoegen, Give me Liberty or Give me Death

      Obviously not the most trusted Republican

    • Helene Meier, Prediki Support

      Well, it's what the survey result was, according to the judgment rule. See the pie chart on the question page.

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