Which industry will the world's first trillionaire emerge from, and why?
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Which industry will be most valuable?
Which of these industries will produce the worlds first trillionaire (in USD)? Here are some of the richest people by industry according to the Forbes list of 2018:
- Retail: Jeff Bezos with $112B (Amazon)
- Software or hardware: Bill Gates with $90B (Microsoft)
- Finance: Warren Buffet with $84B (Berkshire Hathaway)
- Telecommunications: Carlos Slim Helu with $67.1B (America Movil)
- Primary industries: Charles & David Koch with $60B (Koch Industries)
- Entertainment: Sheldon Adelson with $38.5B (Casinos)
- Space Industries: Elon Musk with $20B (SpaceX, not considering Tesla and others)
- Healthcare: Thomas Frist, Jr. with $9.6B (HCA)
A technicality: Even if the trillion USD are reached through hyperinflation, there will still be a person to be 'first'.
- "The world's billionaires" - Forbes List