Which developed country will have the highest level of entrepreneurship in 2025, and why?
Transaction logbook for Savita Shivaram
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2023/01/17 04:17:55 T | Canada | 3,000.00 | - | 17,524.18 | 17.12 | Bought | a5e0e5c4 |
2023/01/17 04:10:22 T | Other North & South American country | 3,000.00 | - | 80,476.06 | 3.73 | Bought | a5e0e5c4 |
2023/01/17 04:10:02 T | European country | 3,000.00 | - | 33,201.84 | 9.04 | Bought | a5e0e5c4 |