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Which developed country will have the highest level of entrepreneurship in 2025, and why?

Transaction logbook for Renee Kathleen

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2024/12/12 00:52:03 T Canada 2,380.35 - 21,234.96 11.21 Bought 842b296
2024/12/12 00:51:40 T Canada -2,380.35 - 21,234.99 11.21 Sold 842b296
2022/07/11 18:32:59 T European country 2,000.00 - 17,684.30 11.31 Bought bd8f1763
2022/07/11 18:32:37 T Saudi Arabia 4,000.00 - 11,211.71 35.68 Bought bd8f1763
2022/07/11 18:32:18 T Canada 4,000.00 - 21,234.99 18.84 Bought bd8f1763
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement