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Which developed country will have the highest level of entrepreneurship in 2025, and why?

Transaction logbook for liyan mao

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2024/08/21 22:55:07 T Asian or Oceanian country -11,859.60 - 21,826.62 54.34 Sold acd82e8d
2024/05/27 06:54:14 T Asian or Oceanian country 12,129.00 - 21,826.62 55.57 Bought acd82c72
2024/05/27 06:54:14 T Asian or Oceanian country - -12,129.72 -24,046.92 49.56 Sold acd82c72
2024/05/27 06:52:24 T Asian or Oceanian country - 12,129.72 24,046.92 49.56 Bought acd82c72
2024/05/27 06:52:24 T Asian or Oceanian country -12,126.64 - 21,822.57 55.57 Sold acd82c72
2023/07/20 20:55:13 T Asian or Oceanian country 10,000.00 - 21,822.57 45.82 Bought ee2d749a
2023/07/20 20:53:36 T Asian or Oceanian country -10,003.08 - 21,828.91 45.82 Sold ee2d749a
2023/07/19 06:22:48 T Asian or Oceanian country 10,000.00 - 21,828.91 45.81 Bought ee2d6bea
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement