Which democratic candidate will Americans rank highest in economic competence?
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Prediki Predictions, Platform OperatorNew question proposed accepted on 2016/01/29 08:10:03
- 8 years ago
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QuestionWhich democratic candidate will Americans rank highest in economic competence?Judgement ruleThe question will be judged by the result of a questionnaire survey by Globaltestmarkets asking a representative sample of US voters the question: "How well do you think these people will handle the economy?"Question typeUnordered alternativesAnswers- (33.33%) Hillary Clinton
- (33.33%) Bernie Sanders
- (33.33%) Martin O'Malley
Time zoneAmerica/New_YorkReference date:2016/01/31 24:00Result expected on2016/02/12 24:00Trading session (optional):until- No support required
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