Which company will be first to launch a smartwatch with automatic accurate blood pressure measurement?
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Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief FuturistModification proposal 2 accepted on 2022/01/22 11:55:21
- 3 years ago
- Reply
QuestionWhich company will be first to launch a smartwatch with automatic accurate blood pressure measurement?Judgement ruleThe question will be judge by the first self-calibrating and fully automatic smartwatch receiving regulatoy approval in the US or the EU. If no such smartwatch is on the market by the end of 2023 the question will be judged with "None".The question will be judged by the first self-calibrating and fully automatic smartwatch receiving regulatory approval in the US or the EU. If no such smartwatch is on the market by the end of 2023 the question will be judged with "None".Question typeUnordered alternativesAnswers- (14.29%) Samsung
- (14.29%) Fitbit
- (14.29%) Huawei
- (14.29%) Amazfit
- (14.29%) Apple
- (14.29%) Another company or startup
- (14.29%) None
Time zoneEurope/ViennaReference date:2023/12/31 24:00Result expected on2023/12/31 24:00Trading session (optional):2021/12/01 12:00 until2021/12/31 24:002023/12/31 24:00- No support required
- No voting required
Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief FuturistModification proposal 1 accepted on 2021/12/01 06:38:10
- 3 years ago
- Reply
QuestionWhich company will be first to launch a smartwatch with automatic accurate blood pressure measurement?Judgement ruleThe question will be judge by the first self-calibrating and fully automatic smartwatch receiving regulatoy approval in the US or the EU. If no such smartwatch is on the market by the end of 2023 the question will be judged with "None".Question typeUnordered alternativesAnswers- (14.29%) Samsung
- (14.29%) Fitbit
Hauwei(14.29%) Huawei - (14.29%) Amazfit
- (14.29%) Apple
- (14.29%) Another company or startup
- (14.29%) None
Time zoneEurope/ViennaReference date:2023/12/31 24:00Result expected on2023/12/31 24:00Trading session (optional):2021/12/01 12:00 until 2021/12/31 24:00- No support required
- No voting required
Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief FuturistNew question proposed accepted on 2021/12/01 06:19:09
- 3 years ago
- Reply
QuestionWhich company will be first to launch a smartwatch with automatic accurate blood pressure measurement?Judgement ruleThe question will be judge by the first self-calibrating and fully automatic smartwatch receiving regulatoy approval in the US or the EU. If no such smartwatch is on the market by the end of 2023 the question will be judged with "None".Question typeUnordered alternativesAnswers- (14.29%) Samsung
- (14.29%) Fitbit
- (14.29%) Hauwei
- (14.29%) Amazfit
- (14.29%) Apple
- (14.29%) Another company or startup
- (14.29%) None
Time zoneEurope/ViennaReference date:2023/12/31 24:00Result expected on2023/12/31 24:00Trading session (optional):2021/12/01 12:00 until 2021/12/31 24:00- No support required
- No voting required