Which brands of shampoo will have grown the most in usage when UK respondents will be asked next year, in 2014?
Transaction logbook for SILVIA HELENA DROSDOWSKI
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2018/11/08 11:18:22 R | L'Oreal | - | -7,044.77 | -9,103.42 | 22.61 | Reversed purchase | 30cac4dd |
2018/09/24 20:33:50 T | L'Oreal | - | 7,044.77 | 9,103.42 | 22.61 | Bought | 30cac4dd |
2018/11/08 11:18:22 R | Another brand not listed here | 7,655.11 | - | -16,196.67 | 47.26 | Reversal sale | 30cac4dd |
2018/09/24 20:33:35 T | Another brand not listed here | -7,655.11 | - | 16,196.67 | 47.26 | Sold | 30cac4dd |
2018/11/08 11:18:22 R | Another brand not listed here | -8,087.35 | - | -16,196.67 | 49.93 | Reversed purchase | 79c23493 |
2018/09/11 21:04:45 T | Another brand not listed here | 8,087.35 | - | 16,196.67 | 49.93 | Bought | 79c23493 |