Which brands of shampoo will have grown the most in usage when UK respondents will be asked next year, in 2014?
Transaction logbook for Benedikt Breinbauer
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2018/11/08 11:18:22 S | Another brand not listed here | -17,716.51 | - | -33,465.06 | 52.94 | Final settlement | |
2013/12/23 14:28:11 T | Another brand not listed here | 3,716.77 | - | 9,356.25 | 39.72 | Bought | QiHAfqlX |
2013/12/23 14:27:28 T | L'Oreal | -3,716.77 | - | 33,359.29 | 11.14 | Sold | QiHAfqlX |
2013/12/17 03:05:07 T | L'Oreal | 4,999.99 | - | 33,359.29 | 14.99 | Bought | ELRGUoeA |
2013/12/17 03:05:00 T | Another brand not listed here | -4,999.99 | - | 20,183.97 | 24.77 | Sold | ELRGUoeA |
2013/12/16 05:07:33 T | Another brand not listed here | 10,000.00 | - | 44,292.78 | 22.58 | Bought | hZdN3HZP |