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When will the first electric car with a solid-state battery be launched?

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  • Prediki Predictions, Platform Operator
    Modification proposal 3 accepted on 2021/10/12 12:06:32


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    When will the first production model electric car with a solid-state battery be sold?
    When will the first electric car with a solid-state battery be launched?
    Judgement rule
    This question will be settled with the launch date of the first production model electric car that uses a solid-state battery.
    This question will be settled upon the firm announcement of the launch date of the first mass-production electric car that uses a solid-state battery as its main power source.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. Until 2023 (16.67%) 2023 or earlier
    • 2. 2023 - 2025 (16.67%) 2024 - 2025
    • 3. 2025 - 2027 (16.67%) 2026 - 2027
    • 4. 2027 - 2030 (16.67%) 2028 - 2030
    • 5. 2030 - 2035 (16.67%) 2031 - 2035
    • 6. (16.67%) 2036 or later
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2025/12/31 24:00
    2035/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2025/12/31 24:00
    2023/12/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Prediki Predictions, Platform Operator
    New question proposed accepted on 2021/10/12 11:36:00
    Profile picture
    or cancel

    When will the first production model electric car with a solid-state battery be sold?
    Judgement rule
    This question will be settled with the launch date of the first production model electric car that uses a solid-state battery.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (16.67%) Until 2023
    • 2. (16.67%) 2023 - 2025
    • 3. (16.67%) 2025 - 2027
    • 4. (16.67%) 2027 - 2030
    • 5. (16.67%) 2030 - 2035
    • 6. (16.67%) 2036 or later
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2025/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2025/12/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):