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When will the UK declare the Brexit?

Transaction logbook for Shiju John

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2017/04/02 05:58:13 S No notification - -10,481.32 -10,481.32 0.00 Final settlement
2016/11/17 22:23:35 T No notification - 10,000.00 10,481.32 4.59 Bought 0DSgwq2_
2016/11/17 22:23:23 T Q3 2017 -557.80 - 9,189.40 6.07 Sold 0DSgwq2_
2016/11/17 22:23:10 T Q2 2017 -6,118.72 - 28,024.76 21.83 Sold 0DSgwq2_
2016/11/17 22:23:03 T Q4 2016 -109.18 - 1,013.48 10.77 Sold 0DSgwq2_
2016/08/16 14:43:30 T Q3 2017 500.00 - 9,189.40 5.44 Bought 48Fqsk0F
2016/08/14 11:06:50 T Q2 2017 4,000.00 - 22,731.01 17.60 Bought 2XeoCmuJ
2016/08/10 04:36:45 T Q2 2017 823.00 - 5,293.75 15.55 Bought y0nOj04t
2016/08/03 15:45:27 T Q4 2016 194.00 - 1,013.48 19.14 Bought BkIxUJvM
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement