When will New Demarchy complete its first successful pilot project?
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Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist Topic ManagementProposed result: 2020, later, or never. ...more
- 5 years ago
Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist Topic Management
2018 is over. Politicians in power and traditional parties remain reluctant to adopt the method. The partisan attitude is strong because parties compete with each other for votes, which mean jobs, salaries and power. The better chance may be that people elect a special party which commits to the new demarchy approach.
...more- 6 years ago
2017 is over. No pilot project has been reported by New Demarchy.
...more- 7 years ago
Sarah Musk-0
We have October 2017, so 2016 isn't a possible answer anymore.
...more- 7 years ago
Question proposal created. ...more
- 9 years ago
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