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What will the exchange rate of US$ per Bitcoin be at the end of 2013?

Transaction logbook for Sabrine Poulson

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2014/01/10 05:20:02 S 200 US$ or more -15,930.87 - -15,930.87 100.00 Final settlement
2013/12/20 18:01:36 T 200 US$ or more 9,010.00 - 14,293.31 63.04 Bought aSbg83xg
2013/12/20 18:01:31 T 200 US$ or more -9,015.74 - 14,302.17 63.04 Sold aSbg83xg
2013/12/20 18:01:17 T 200 US$ or more 8,909.99 - 14,129.63 63.06 Bought aSbg83xg
2013/12/20 18:01:14 T 200 US$ or more 1,000.01 - 1,636.40 61.11 Bought aSbg83xg
2013/12/16 09:41:20 T 200 US$ or more 90.00 - 173.69 51.82 Bought aSbg83xg
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement