Transactions by Mark Wright
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | P&L (in Credits) |
Total | -8,036.07 | 0.00 | +8,036.07 | |||
2014/05/21 16:54:24   T | Acquitted of all charges | 2,000.00 | - | 8,957.03 | 22.33 | -2,000.00 |
2014/05/24 13:16:04   T | Manslaughter | 6,000.00 | - | 12,208.16 | 49.15 | -6,000.00 |
2014/06/02 14:39:17   T | Acquitted of all charges | -1,047.23 | - | -8,957.03 | 11.69 | +1,047.23 |
2014/06/24 16:43:36   T | Manslaughter | 3,047.23 | - | 5,827.91 | 52.29 | -3,047.23 |
2014/10/24 17:24:05   S | Manslaughter | -18,036.07 | - | -18,036.07 | 100.00 | +18,036.07 |