What will be the top Netflix movie for the US chart published 25 February 2025?
Transaction logbook for WFU_Scrooge McDuck
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2025/02/18 17:22:30 T | Other | 4,736.90 | - | 27,701.35 | 17.10 | Bought | ef5fbc4 |
2025/02/18 17:22:23 T | Miss Congeniality | -4,736.90 | - | 40,318.35 | 11.75 | Sold | ef5fbc4 |
2025/02/18 17:18:50 T | Other | 5,000.00 | - | 41,951.54 | 11.92 | Bought | ef5fbc4 |
2025/02/18 17:18:44 T | Miss Congeniality | 5,000.00 | - | 40,318.35 | 12.40 | Bought | ef5fbc4 |