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What will be the top Netflix movie for the US chart published 25 February 2025?

Transaction logbook for WFU_ 345

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2025/02/25 21:30:37 S Other -24,495.53 - -24,495.53 100.00 Final settlement
2025/02/18 18:27:20 T Other 9,109.26 - 24,495.53 37.19 Bought ef5fce0
2025/02/18 18:26:26 T The Menu -2,371.83 - 21,762.76 10.90 Sold ef5fce0
2025/02/18 18:26:24 T Kinda Pregnant -6,737.44 - 38,179.66 17.65 Sold ef5fce0
2025/02/18 14:43:59 T The Menu 3,000.00 - 21,762.76 13.79 Bought ef5fce0
2025/02/18 14:43:53 T Kinda Pregnant 7,000.00 - 38,179.66 18.33 Bought ef5fce0
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement