Transactions by Katie Lampert
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | P&L (in Credits) |
Total | 17.24 | 20.14 | -2.62 | |||
2023/03/28 11:48:58   T | Ukraine defeats Russia | 10.00 | - | 62.58 | 15.98 | -10.00 |
2023/03/28 11:49:09   T | War of attrition | - | 10.00 | -12.14 | 17.63 | -10.00 |
2025/02/23 03:59:36   M | Ukraine defeats Russia | 7.24 | - | 62.58 | 11.58 | +7.24 |
2025/02/23 03:59:36   M | War of attrition | - | 10.14 | -12.14 | 16.49 | +10.14 |